LETTER: Simplifying RCV

To the Editor:

Ranked choice voting (RCV) is a only a little more complicated than the traditional two-choice only method. I think of it as walking versus crawling, or multiplication instead of addition – anyone can do it with a tiny bit of effort. The Oct. 5th Sun Sailor had a lot of letters discussing RCV, but they may have made it seem more complicated than it is. A couple points to keep in mind:

1) If your favorite candidate loses in the first round, that is exactly like the traditional method. Your ballot is “exhausted” just like it was in the old way.

2) But, if you like two or even three candidates, you still have a chance of your vote counting toward those candidates winning. Your ballot is now “supercharged” by more choice.

3) More candidates running means more ideas, and more moderate campaigning. Now there is a practical penalty for a campaign that ignores the candidates’ positions and only attacks an opponent. Even if you are only voting to be against something – you still can vote against any candidate supporting that issue.

The benefit of avoiding the divisive primaries clearly outweighs the small price to pay to understand RCV, and how your ballot will have more power. It is much easier to learn than driving, or even riding a bike.

Dave Paulson


LETTER: Minnetonka a leader with RCV


LETTER: RCV lowers barriers, increases participation