How it Works

Ranked Choice Voting is Fair and Simple

Simply rank your choices — 1st, 2nd, 3rd. If one candidate earns a majority of 1st-choice votes (50% + 1), that candidate wins. If no candidate has a majority, then the last place candidate is eliminated, and those ballots now count for their 2nd choice on the ballot.

This process continues until one candidate earns a majority and wins. You can rank as many candidates as you like, and your vote only counts toward your 2nd choice on the ballot if your 1st choice is defeated.

Benefits of Ranked Choice Voting

✔️ Gives voters greater voice, choice and power

✔️ Saves the expense of the high-cost, low-turnout local primary

✔️ Ensures majority winners in a single, decisive November election

✔️ Encourages positive campaigning and higher voter turnout

✔️ Reduces political division and extremism

✔️ Tested, proven, and used by millions of voters across the country

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