RCV in Minnetonka

Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) got rid of expensive city primaries where only 5% of voters participated, and combined two rounds of voting into a single “instant runoff” election in November, when turnout is higher and more representative of the community.

After the 2021 election, the City of Minnetonka conducted a survey showing voters were well-prepared to cast their ballots.

Minnetonka’s first ranked-choice election was a huge success

✔️ Eliminated high-cost ($50K per election), low turnout (5% average turnout) primaries;

✔️ Voters had more choices, the most candidates ever for a Minnetonka City Council election;

✔️ Voter turnout increased dramatically, up more than 50% than the average since 1985;

✔️ All winning candidates earned a majority in a single cost-effective election;

✔️ Voters liked it and found it easy to use, with a 99.9% valid ballot rate.