LETTER: Answer ‘no’ to the repeal of ranked choice voting in Minnetonka

To the Editor:

Why? Because the benefits are so clear.

Right out of the gate, ranked choice voting (RCV) knocked it out of the park.

Comparing our local mayoral elections in 2017 (before RCV) and 2021 (with RCV): Minnetonka saw an 8.2% increase in registered voters with RCV in place, turnout share was up 38.8% (28.5% compared to 20.5%), and 50.5% more ballots were cast in that race (11,350 compared to 7,541).

I am a business man. Bottom line: More people showed up under RCV and participated in our local democracy. Now why would anyone want to go back to the old system and disenfranchise all those voters? Going back to the old system is like purposefully suppressing votes, and that sounds un-American to me.

I am a resounding “no” vote on repealing RCV. I am a veteran and an engineer. I fight for my democracy in a balanced way. Please save RCV. Vote “no” to repeal. Please don’t make my service to the country an effort in futility. I did it for you.

Clarence Richard


LETTER: Vote no on repeal of RCV


LETTER: Senator supports RCV