LETTER: Vote no on repeal of RCV

To the Editor:

I urge my fellow Minnetonkans to vote “No” on the ballot measure to repeal ranked choice voting in the upcoming election. Although I’m a strong supporter of RCV, it’s understandable that many might feel cautious about change to something as important as the voting process. However, sometimes change is for the better, and that’s the case with RCV.

Among its advantages, it does away with having our city administer extraordinarily low turnout primary elections that really don’t serve anyone but the most partisan activists. Also, we haven’t even given it a chance to prove its merits (or not) if we repeal it so soon after it was approved by the majority of voters for the 2021 elections. Please vote in our city elections, and when you do, please vote “No” on repealing ranked choice voting.

David Dayhoff


LETTER: Ranked choice voting is a better choice


LETTER: Answer ‘no’ to the repeal of ranked choice voting in Minnetonka