LETTER: Ranked choice voting is a better choice

To the Editor:

This November, Minnetonka residents will vote on whether to repeal ranked choice voting. We will be voting “no” on the ballot question.

While we currently serve on the Minnetonka City Council, in the Ward 1 and At-Large B seats, this letter represents our personal opinions and experience and is not intended to represent the views of the city of Minnetonka or the Minnetonka City Council.

One of the advantages of RCV is that it eliminates the need for a separate primary election. The 2021 election and the upcoming November 2023 election both would have required a primary based on the number of candidates who filed to run. Those primaries would have cost Minnetonka taxpayers around $60,000 each. In addition, off-year primaries traditionally have had very low turnout at around 5%, meaning a small number of people would determine who is on the November ballot.

In theory, anyone who meets residency requirements can run for local office. In reality, there can be barriers that stop potential candidates from running. The barriers increase if the campaigner also must make the investment in running a primary –– fundraising, name recognition, the added cost, etc. It’s hard to campaign, hold down a fulltime job, and manage family responsibilities. One single election is better for the campaigner, better for voters, and better for the city. It saves the city $60,000 to run a city primary as well as the time required for precinct judges and staff. A primary is a lot of work for everyone for a historically low voter turnout. RCV is less complex, straightforward, and less costly.

We vote for no primary - we will vote “no” to repeal ranked choice voting.

Kimberly Wilburn currently serves as the Minnetonka At-Large B City Council

Member and Brian Kirk currently serves as the Ward 1 Minnetonka City Council Member.


Here’s the evidence supporting ranked choice voting 


LETTER: Vote no on repeal of RCV